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50th Anniversary 2015 and New Year Treks

Established in 1965 Rowanlea Riding School celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2015 and to start the celebrations the annual New Year Trek was something special with over 90 horses and ponies taking part. An 50th Anniversary Exhibition was held in June and you can see some of the action in the slide show. Please click the Stv logo to watch coverage of the 50th Anniversary Trek by Stv. The Rowanlea part is 13:35 into the news report.

A Facebook page was created to invite everyone to pass on their memories and stories experienced over the past 50 years. The Facebook page can be found by clicking

Please take some time to visit the page and read the posts and view the photos :-)

50 th Anniversary Trek leaving the school 2015

50th Anniversary Exhibition - 2015


New Year Treks

At the begnning of each year Rowanlea puts on an awesome spectacle of over eighty horses doing around a three to four hour trek through the surrounding area.

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